Treći sastanak suradnika na projektu i gostujuće predavanje / Third team meeting and the guest lecture
Drugi radni sastanak suradnika održan je u petak i subotu, 12-13. lipnja 2015., na pulskom Sveučilištu. Povezan je s Doktorskom radionicom: Povijest svakodnevice u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji, a gostujuće predavanje pod naslovom A Superior Worker Praised and Contested: The Mining Milieu in Postwar Socialist Towns održala je Ana Kladnik (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam).
The second team meeting was held on Friday and Saturday, 12-13 June 2015, at the University of Pula. It was combined with the Docoral Workshop: History of Everyday Life in Socialist Yugoslavia, and the guest lecture titled A Superior Worker Praised and Contested: The Mining Milieu in Postwar Socialist Towns was delivered by Ana Kladnik (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam).