QA Office
The University Quality Service was established in 2007. By the revised text of Regulations of the University QA System (2009) its name changes to the University Central Quality Office, and by the Regulations on Organization of Employment Positions (2011) its current name is University Quality Office (QA Office)
The task of the Office is to create a network for University quality assurance, management and promotion as well as integrating the University into a national network for quality improvement.
The Office is the initiator and coordinator of the initiative and implementation of development programs in order to ensure continuous quality assurance, management and promotion.
The Office establishes specific quality indicators and organizes their systematic monitoring and in particular:
- encourages and organizes regular discussions about quality to expand quality culture in the academic and non-academic public,
- actively participates and coordinates the development of the quality system documentation,
- defines the standards and criteria of quality functioning of the University constituents,
- develops procedures for external and internal evaluation, methods for researching various aspects of quality of education as well as different target populations (students, teachers, administrative staff, managers, employers, public opinion),
- conducts analysis and collects information on quality from all system users,
- explores the causes of poor quality, inefficient and overlong study,
- establishes a system of internal audit, as an assumption underlying quality assurance, management and promotion .
- provides feedback from students and directs their suggestions, criticisms and suggestions,
- encourages and organizes professional training of teachers, associates, managers and administrative staff.